Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Was going to load pics, but...'s taking too long. I'll have to reduce file size and get them up later today.

In the meantime, thought I'd share the variety of ways Vee and I woke up this morning. First, at 4:45am, we woke to a gentleman running down a nearby road shouting something in kinyarwanda that I swear was "WAKE UP...WAKE UP...WAKE UP!" He was either on his way home from a great night out at one of the local "saloons" or was nominated as the town wake-up call by the elders. Second, at 5:30, we woke up again to two birds in a nearby tree with the highest pitched call ever. This was when I knew there was no way I was returning back to sleep. I thought I'd try anyway and grabbed my iPhone to put on some David Gray. Third, at 6:05, a few of the maintenance guys from the hotel decided to start chopping down an avocado tree 30-40 feet from our room's door (this was later confirmed when I walked down to breakfast). Finally, at 6:30, the maintenance workers that cut down the tree decided it was time to chop it up...only 10 feet from our front door on the other side of the shrubs.

As I sit here typing this (after a shower, breakfast, and two cups of instant coffee), it's 7:30 and my phone alarm is just now going off.

Good morning...Rwanda-style!!

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