Monday, May 9, 2011

The trip of a lifetime

I'm not sure that there was ever a time in my life when I thought that I'd be going to Rwanda. I've always dreamed of going to Africa but it's been sort of hazy - never a specific destination in mind. When it was announced that our sponsored project this year would be Rwanda something definitely clicked for me and I couldn't wait to apply to go. Now, the trip is less than 5 days away and I can't wait to be there. I'm traveling with a great group of people and I'm happy that I'll be able to share this experience with them. Oh and meet them. I've actually never met the majority of the group!

I've been reading a lot about Rwanda and Africa since I found out I'd be going on this trip. Perseverance, generosity and spirit are common threads throughout everything I've read. However, one of my favorite quotes is not about that at all. It's about preparing for the journey from Rosamond Halsey Carr's memoir, Land of a Thousand Hills:
I bought four new cotton dresses from Lord&Taylor, a pith helmet at a New York outfitters, and a lifetime supply of cold cream."

That is how Rosamond Halsey Carr prepared to move to Rwanda in 1949. She lived there until her death in 2006. Rosamond was the last American planter in the country and after the genocide, she converted her plantation into an orphanage. Her memoir is a love letter to a country that she felt was her true home.

I bought insect repellant and a hat with SPF protection. And lots of school supplies. I think that might be the 2011 version of cotton dresses, a pith helmet and cold cream.

1 comment:

  1. Stacy, I am so excited for you. I can't wait to hear all about this amazing trip. Soak it all in and be careful.
    Loves, Britney
    p.s. Thanks for creating this blog!
