Sunday, May 15, 2011

Feathered fauna

After a very good 6 1/2 hours of sleep I was awakened by a very loud whinnying that sounded like it was coming from my balcony.  After a few moments of fuzziness my eyes shot open.  I'm in Rwanda!  I jumped out of bed and squinted into the surprisingly full daylight of 6:30 a.m.  No trace of what made the strange noise, though.

I got up and showered and set out to explore the grounds of the hotel.  And find some coffee.  The gardens around the hotel are beautiful, full of pink hibiscus hedges, palms, and a huge red bush that looks akin to a poinsettia.  Most entertaining, though, were the birds.

Apparently the peaked rooftops of the hotel are prime real estate.  There are a number of crows that are either cawing from the roof or wheeling around after each other in the sky.  They look just like the crows back home, except these crows are all wearing white vests.  Or tuxedos.

Rwandan Tuxedoed Crow

My favorite discovery was my alarm clock.  Competing with the crows for coveted roof peaks are beautiful brown eagles.  Their calls sound amazingly like a whinnying horse.  I think one must have been on my balcony railing this morning.  I'll take a bird call to an artificial alarm clock any day!

Rwandan Horse Eagle


  1. Matt - this is great - enjoying reading and experiencing through your eyes. Do you mind if I send the link out to Hobsons staff to view and post on the HUGS page on facebook? Hope you are having a blast. This is Keith Renneker.

  2. Oh wow -- Can't wait to show this to Stephen, who is a crow fanatic, and to Andy, who always finds eagles on our vacations.

    What an adventure! Fun to be following it via blog. Stay safe and inspired!

    ~nancy w r.

  3. Hey Matt,

    That bird could be Yellow-billed Kite or its close relative the Black Kite.

